According to data from the Pew Research Center, one in four veterans had a civilian job lined up for after they left the service; these were more than twice as likely to have been commissioned officers than noncommissioned officers or enlisted service members.
Author Archives: Next Op Vets
NextOp bridges job gap for veterans, companies
The American workforce is shifting. Workers are moving into new industries and from lower-paying jobs into higher-paying management
positions vacated by retirees.
Mayor Bynum, Community Service Council Recognize Veteran Employer Champions
Mayor G.T. Bynum, Community Service Council (CSC,) and CSC’s Oklahoma Veteran Alliance recognized 24 companies today for becoming Veteran Employer Champions.
Tips for a Smoother Transition
By Khris E. Cabanas The transition from military to civilian life can feel like a grueling experience, but it doesn’t have to be if you plan it right ahead of time. My transition from the Army back in March of 2017 had its ups and downs, yet it all fell back on my preparation for transition out …